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eCashChat: Hype or Hope?

Waktu Membaca: 4 menit Will eCashChat become the killer app I’ve been waiting for all these years? Or is it a waste of time as some people believe? Only

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What problem is eCashChat solving?

Waktu Membaca: 5 menit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and, and those are just the ones I remember.

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Dad’s day off 2X

Waktu Membaca: 4 menit I’ve been a little stressed at work lately, so I decided to take a day off to watch “Dune: Part Two” in theaters. That was

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On having kids

Waktu Membaca: 4 menit I wasn’t one of those guy who imagined himself with a family. I had a friend who always talked about having a bunch of kids

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Pickled: A Short Story

Waktu Membaca: 3 menit One of my most vivid memories growing up was something that happened to me in the seventh grade. I’d just started attending this new junior

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On Fatherhood

Waktu Membaca: 4 menit A couple of months ago, I made my oldest son cry. Not just a few tears, but full on balling as if he’d been told

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Turning over a new leaf

Waktu Membaca: 2 menit As some of you may know, I’ve been dealing with covid for the past week or so. At first I didn’t think it was covid

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Building the eCash Community

Waktu Membaca: 4 menit This wasn’t the article I’d planned on writing next. But the idea for this post came to me while watching Bitconned, the Netflix documentary about

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Quick Review: Bitconned

Waktu Membaca: 3 menit I recently watched “Bitconned”, the new Netflix documentary about the con artists behind the scam cryptocurrency project Centra. I have to admit it just might

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eCash and Mass Adoption

Waktu Membaca: 4 menit Many have asked how eCash will achieve mass adoption. While it’s impossible to provide a definitive answer, what follows are a few scenarios that I

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Waktu Membaca: 4 menit Exactly a year ago today, I set a goal to write 66 articles in 2023 in order to reach POW#200 by the end of this

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