Every so often, I’ll get asked where can you use eCash today? It’s usually someone trying to discredit the eCash project by pointing out how there aren’t any merchants who currently accept XEC…
As a result of the recent run of bank failures, fractional reserve banking (FRB) has been a hot topic of late. In case you aren’t familiar with the term, FRB is the system…
The other day, a Twitter troll accused Amaury of having stabbed the Bitcoin Cash community in the back. While I can sort of see how someone might see it that way, I’d also…
“I mean the cypherpunk vision of cryptcurrency is nearly dead. As I’ve said, it’s kind of like it turned out to be the opposite. It was extremely regulatable, traceable, transparent, just not at…
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about what happened with Silicon Valley Bank (SVB). I don’t want to bore you regurgitating everything that went down, but what I want…
“The crypto world has one very powerful idea going for it and that’s the idea of forks. Right? Imagine…Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, let’s let them both be president. Imagine if we could fork…
It’s no secret that I expect a lot from the eCash project, but I’m guessing no one has a clue exactly how big those expectations really are. The truth is, up until recently,…
As I said, the one thing I’ve been searching for ever since I got into crypto is for someone to describe what the world could look like if crypto actually wins. But before…
You’ve probably heard about the case involving Alex Pertsev, the developer who was arrested for writing the code behind Tornado Cash, a tool that enables Ethereum users to mix their coins with strangers…
Ever since I got into crypto, the one thing I’ve been searching for is for someone to describe what the world could look like if crypto actually wins. A world where we no…