The Lifeboat

Momento della lettura 3 minuti Amaury was recently on Tobias Ruck’s new podcast and early on in the interview he mentions this idea of the lifeboat. Usually we think of a lifeboat as a vessel used to rescue people who are in danger, and that’s exactly how he sees crypto. As a way to save ourselves from what he describes […]

Crypto for regular people like me

Momento della lettura 4 minuti After I posted my last article on reddit, I got a lot of flack, so I thought I’d try it again. One thing people really didn’t seem to like was that I’d titled it Crypto for normies. Only after the fact did I realize how that title could come across the wrong way, but I […]

Crypto for Normies

Momento della lettura 5 minuti So you’ve heard about crypto, but you don’t understand why it’s important, why you should care, or why it matters. Is it tulip mania all over again? Is it just one big ponzi scheme? Or is there something more to this so called magic internet money? You’ve probably spent hours watching Youtube videos and reading […]

Dear BCH supporters 2

Momento della lettura 7 minuti After publishing my last article and reading some of the Reddit comments on r/BTC, I decided to write a follow-up to address some of the points raised. First of all, I agree the article didn’t really explain why anyone should change their mind about supporting BCH, so I will do so here. Secondly, anyone who […]

Dear BCH supporters

Momento della lettura 4 minuti One of the things I find beautiful about being human is our ability to change our minds. It’s rare, but it happens, and it can lead to the most amazing and unexpected outcomes. It can mean the difference between a couple staying together or breaking up; it can end wars, change laws, and even the […]

On the subject of staking rewards for eCash

Momento della lettura 5 minuti There’s been a lot of recent talk in the eCash community on the subject of staking. Or to be more precise, staking rewards. For those who may not know, the eCash project is a Bitcoin fork that is working on adding a new consensus mechanism called Avalanche. This will enhance Bitcoin’s existing security model based […]

The eCash Story

Momento della lettura 2 minuti I recently moved my family into a new home. It’s not mine, I didn’t buy it, but I still can’t help but feel a sense of pride since it’s definitely the nicest place I’ve ever lived in, which also means it’s the nicest place my sons have ever lived in. The other day I was […]

The eCash community fund

Momento della lettura 2 minuti In case you haven’t heard, the eCash Global Network Council (GNC) recently approved a new community fund to reward up to 100M XEC each quarter for those who contribute in a meaningful way to the eCash ecosystem. Contributions can be anything from memes and tweet threads (worth 500K XEC) to eCash related websites, code repositories, […]

Movie Night: “Top Gun: Maverick”

Momento della lettura 3 minuti I did something I haven’t done in awhile. I watched a movie in a theater. First of all, I’ll just say Top Gun: Maverick is the best movie I’ve seen in a while. If you like fun movies, movies that make you smile, this is one worth checking out. It’s not perfect. But even when […]