Proof of Work

Reading Time: 2 minutes For those who don’t know, proof of work is the name of the consensus algorithm used by Bitcoin and its forks, of which eCash is one. It’s called proof of work, because in order to be rewarded with new coins, computers must “work” to find the solution to a difficult problem. This is done through […]

What makes eCash truly one of a kind in crypto right now?

Reading Time: 5 minutes It’s not the total supply, which is the same as Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. It’s not the self-funding mechanism, or the GNC, or the fact that it’s about to use both Proof of Work and Proof of Stake. Other coins do these things as well. Nor is it the easy to use eToken technology, or […]

On Bear Markets and Nuclear Winters

Reading Time: 4 minutes I remember it well. It was November 2018, and the BCH/BSV hash war had just resulted in the entire cryptosphere crashing to new lows. From November to December, my BCH went from roughly $500/coin to $75/coin. And as if that wasn’t brutal enough, you’re talking to someone who once bought 1 BCH at the absolute […]

The Anti-1984

Reading Time: 3 minutes “People don’t know what they want until you show it to them.” Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company Before I got into crypto, all I wanted was pretty much what everyone else wants. To improve […]

Intellectual honesty and why I believe in eCash

Reading Time: 4 minutes What does it mean to be intellectually honest? I would say it means being honest even when there’s an incentive for you to be dishonest. Let’s say you’re in a meeting and your boss suddenly asks your opinion on something. You’re up for a promotion and you know that all he wants to hear is […]

The problem eCash is trying to solve

Reading Time: 4 minutes We all know that the goal of eCash is to become the best money the world has ever seen. A global currency that aims to be both a great store of value and medium of exchange. But I wouldn’t say that’s the problem eCash is trying to solve. Nor is it our ability to walk […]

Don’t be a Nakamoto maximalist

Reading Time: 2 minutes During the end of my days as a Bitcoin Cash supporter, one argument I kept hearing was this notion that adding Avalanche consensus to Bitcoin Cash would go against everything BCH stood for. The basic premise was that if Avalanche consensus overruled what Nakamoto consensus saw as the valid block, then it would no longer […]

How Avalanche makes eCash better

Reading Time: 7 minutes TL;DR: The combination of Avalanche and Nakamoto consensus on the eCash network will eventually allow exchanges to safely accept 0-confirmation XEC deposits, which would be a first for a Bitcoin fork. Avalanche will also contribute to scaling efforts needed to increase overall transaction throughput while maintaining low transaction fees. Disclaimer: I am not a computer […]