Steve Jobs famously said people don’t know what they want until you show it to them.

I’ve been thinking about this as I try to figure out what people want. What they’d value enough to be willing to pay for.

It can be anything, but the only condition in this case is that it has to be something digital. Of course, we already know there are plenty of digital goods people are willing to buy: music, movies, games, books, artwork, and more.

But what else?

You might be willing to pay a dollar for a song or $4.99 to rent a movie, but would someone be willing to pay a penny for a stranger’s thoughts? A penny to hear their personal stories, memories, and reflections?

Maybe if it’s the right person.

I highly doubt that I’m that person, but I admit there’s a part of me that really wants to be, so I guess it’s time to find out.

Going forward, this blog is going to go back to blogging’s roots, except on crypto rails. I fully understand this may be a hopeless endeavor. Maybe blogging as I knew it died a long time ago for a reason. On the other hand, what if that reason was because there was no way to monetize it, until now?

I think one reason I was so excited about the PayButton plugin is because it finally gives me a chance to test this hypothesis. I know it’s probably stupid. I know the chance of success is practically zero. But as a famous writer once told me, as long as I enjoy doing it, might as well try.

That’s it for now. I’m still looking for an audience, so let me know what you think. What you’re interested in reading about, or want to know, and if you leave a comment along with your eCash address (and I find your comment valuable), I’ll send you a tip. I’m not going to say how much, but I promise it’ll be worth more than a penny =)

But don’t just try to flatter me for money. I’m looking for something genuine, engaging, or thought-provoking. And don’t forget to leave your eCash address so I know where to send the transaction.

(If you’ve never received eCash before, you’re in for a treat.)

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