I am giving away 1 million eCash each day for the next 100 days. I am looking for the best eCash related tweets, memes, artwork, gifs, music, articles, whatever, that I come across on Twitter or in the eCash subreddit….
Free markets enable us to freely pursue and produce the things we value. The beauty of this is that such pursuits ultimately result in greater value being created in the world. I don’t…
Someone on Telegram recently told me I should apologize to all the Korean people who’ve lost money investing in BCHA. According to him, many Koreans invested in BCHA after reading my blog. I…
There’s so much about sports that I find beautiful. For one thing, it’s the ultimate meritocracy. In sports you are judged by your overall skill or contribution to the team and nothing else….
Like any parent, I want the best for my kids. I want them to be happy, strong, brave, passionate, successful, curious, ambitious, competitive, thoughtful, kind, hard working, and about a million other things….
UPDATE: Puzzle has been solved! Winning words: ribbon credit ask ticket either input affair convince glow machine scene piece *** The first person to figure out all 12 words that go with each…
I’ve been thinking a lot about culture lately. Wikipedia defines culture as “the social behavior and norms found in human societies”, which is perfect because that’s exactly what I think is the problem…