UPDATE: Puzzle has been solved! Winning words: ribbon credit ask ticket either input affair convince glow machine scene piece *** The first person to figure out all 12 words that go with each…
I’ve been thinking a lot about culture lately. Wikipedia defines culture as “the social behavior and norms found in human societies”, which is perfect because that’s exactly what I think is the problem…
Sometimes I think about Faketoshi, one of the greatest charlatans of modern times. I remember watching that first presentation of him in those tight blue jeans and asking myself could this really be…
Everyone says they want a better world, but what does that exactly mean? I’m guessing it means different things for different people, as that always seems to be the case. Earlier today I…
I’ve been talking online with a bunch of leftists lately. I didn’t know they were leftists when I met them, but it wasn’t hard to figure out. I guess the same way it…
As of today, I have a whopping 482 unique visitors to this site. (In case you couldn’t tell, the whopping was sarcastic.) I know it’s peanuts, but I also know achieving success can…
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, I’m sure you’ve heard of the epic short squeeze happening on Gamestop (GME) right now. And while I know a lot has already been written on…