Whenever I talk to someone interested in learning about crypto, the question I most often hear is, “But what gives crypto value?” It’s a good question, but unfortunately also one that is hard…
Why was Bitcoin created? It’s right there in the first sentence of Satoshi’s whitepaper: A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to…
I finally did something I probably should have done a long time ago: I checked out eCash’s competition. I should have probably done this ages ago, but like they say, better late than…
The other day it dawned on me that I’ve been doing this for five years. For five years I’ve been obsessing, tweeting, thinking, and writing about this project we now call eCash. It’s…
eCash is an open source project. Anyone can contribute. Not just by writing code, but by providing value in any form. Anyone can mine the eCash network. No permission is needed. The code…
I follow plenty of crypto influencers, and they all have one thing in common: none of them ever talk about eCash. Whether it’s Cobie, or the Bankless guys, or Laura Shin, no popular…
A number of people have messaged me asking what I think of the current state of eCash (XEC), so I decided to write an article. Before I continue, I want to first make…
If you ask someone what the purpose of money is, they might say money is for storing your wealth, or that it’s what you use to pay for goods and services, or how…
I always hear about the importance of product-market fit. How its the number one determining factor in whether a start-up will ultimately succeed, or fail. Which got me wondering, what exactly is product-market…
Whenever I hear people try to explain the use case for crypto, they usually bring up the same old topics. Like how it can increase the amount of economic freedom in the world,…