The prize: 1.35M XEC + 500K XECx tokens + 1K POW tokens (Total value ~2.8M XEC)
The game: The name of the game is speed. This won’t be a puzzle that takes days to figure out. It will probably not even last an hour! Behind the paywall, you will find 12 words in alphabetical order. To unlock the Cashtab wallet holding your prize, you must figure out the correct order using 12 clues hidden as comments behind 12 PayButton paywalls on this blog, starting with, then, and so on.
Once you solve the order of the words, be the first person to import the seed phrase using, move the eCash and the eTokens to your address before anyone else, and the prize is yours. Good luck!
Pro tip: If you’re first to access the wallet, move the tokens before moving the XEC so you have enough XEC to cover the transaction fees.
And if you want to check if the prize is still available before paying to proceed, you can check the explorer here.