The other day I was talking to someone about zodiac signs, so I looked mine up. I’ve always known I was born in the year of the snake, but that was pretty much the extent of my knowledge. So when I read the personality traits for mine in particular, which is apparently 1 of 5 types of snakes you can be, I found it amusing, because I thought it was quite accurate. (Even the second to last one, which you wouldn’t think if you met me, but my wife knows it’s true. I just can’t afford it yet.)
I know it’s all mumbo jumbo and maybe they’re all like that. Various combinations of personality traits that people tend to see in themselves, but in any case, I thought it was entertaining.
If you’re curious, pay 100 XEC to reveal my “unique qualities”. I’ve also linked the source so you can try and look up your own zodiac. Feel free to post a comment sharing your personality traits =)