What problem is eCashChat solving?

読了時間: 5 Yours.org, blockchain.poker, lazyfox.io, honest.cash, read.cash, tipbitcoin.cash, satoshidice.com, purse.io, local.bitcoin.com, noise.cash, craft.cash, cointext.io, satoshiwall.cash, nakamotogame.com, cashaccount.info, and memo.cash, and those are just the ones I remember. What are all these? They are, or were, various applications that were at one time or another, a part of the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem. I tried them all, because at the time I was obsessed with finding the holy grail of crypto, aka crypto’s killer app. Many say the killer app of crypto is money, and while I don’t disagree, I see that as more of a killer use case, not a killer app. To me a killer app is what’s needed to unlock crypto’s […]