Introducing eCash

Temps de lecture: 2 minutes

While I assume most of you reading this already know what eCash is, this article is for those who might be discovering eCash for the first time. If you’re someone who may have previously dismissed cryptocurrencies as nothing more than a fad, or had never bothered learning about crypto until now, you’re in luck.

Because to me eCash isn’t just another cryptocurrency. XEC isn’t a meme coin, or a ponzi scheme disguised as a cryptocurrency. eCash is supported by experienced software engineers who are not only trying to create the best form of money the world has ever seen, but to also serve as a model for how open source software is supposed to work.

I want eCash to not only teach people about digital cash, but if all goes as planned, to also teach people many other lessons as well. Lessons about software development, about economic freedom, and even getting people to understand what is and what isn’t a tax.

But to me eCash is much easier to understand when you actually try using it versus hearing me talking about it, so that’s what I hope I to persuade you to do. The point of this article isn’t to convince you that eCash is the best. The point is to convince you to experience eCash yourself and open your eyes to what the future of money could be.

So how do you go about experiencing eCash? All you need to do is generate an address at, obtain a small amount of XEC from your preferred exchange or using one of the instant swap exchanges listed here. Then send the XEC to your newly created Cashtab wallet and try sending less than a penny’s worth of XEC using the button below. I recommend using either two separate devices or two browser windows on your desktop machine so you can hear the pleasant ding and see the payment received message the moment the transaction goes through. All without having to rely on a trusted third party, or knowing who I am, or revealing who you are, because eCash is permissionless, trustless, and borderless.

I know this demonstration might seem inconsequential to some, but I hope it sparks your imagination and gives you a glimpse of what this technology might one day achieve. Today I can only use PayButton to receive tips, but in the future you might be using PayButtons to unlock content, to pay for goods and services, or to create entirely new businesses that just weren’t possible before. But first I invite you to begin your crypto journey by experiencing what it’s like to make an on chain transaction using the eCash network today.

If you’re interested in learning more about the eCash project, check out these resources below:

  1. (official website that includes the roadmap, links to resources, listing of exchanges and wallets, mining and staking tutorials, and more)
  2. (the fastest blockchain explorer in all of crypto)
  3. (official eCash web wallet and chrome extension that gives you full custody of your XEC)
  4. (an application built for the eCash ecosystem making it easy for anyone to accept XEC online)