There’s this thing I always say at work.

“Nothing is ever easy around here.”

The person I’m saying it to will usually look at me and smile. Maybe because there’s nothing else to say, and all we can do is accept reality.

I’ve grown accustomed to saying this of late, because it feels like even the simplest request will often require hours of research and analysis to come up with a solution.

I was thinking about this yesterday and realizing you can say this about most things. Nothing is easy. Everything is hard.

For example, as thrilled as I am that my blog has managed to evolve into what it is today, I also still see plenty of areas that need improvement. I want the site to be faster, have more functionality and, most importantly, have more users.

But if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the past several years, it’s that software is hard, and marketing might be even harder.

As someone without any experience in either, I find myself frequently getting frustrated by how long things take. How sometimes a seemingly simple fix can require hours of planning and development work. How getting people to try something new, no matter how magical or amazing I may think it is, can be impossibly hard.

Someone in the eCash community introduced me to this idea in the software world known as the 90/90 rule, which states:

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