Not to you, but to me. The old me. I know it’s not going to be easy, it will be a process, but as a smart man once said, the best we can do is try.

So why goodbye to the old me, and what exactly am I trying?

I want to say goodbye to the old me who was scared and complacent so I can try to be a better human being.

Not perfect, just better.

I remember when I was a kid, I used to watch Korean dramas with my mom. The idea was it would help me retain my native language, but it wasn’t long before I grew addicted to the stories and the characters. Characters who were brave and honorable and would do their good deeds in secret so no one would know. I admired these characters. I wanted to be like them. I wanted to be brave, but somewhere along the road I forgot that part of me. Instead I became complacent, only concerned with my own well-being.

But I’m hoping to change that. Not by acting like someone I’m not, but by becoming the person I want to be.

I don’t know exactly how I’m going to achieve this. Maybe I’ll fall short, or only disappoint, but like I said, the best I can do is try.

I’m still going to have fun. I’m still going to act silly (especially in front of my boys), but I also want to be brave because I think the world is going through a sea change, and it can use as many brave men as it can get.

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