Update: Prize was unlocked by Cryptopanda15

It has been almost 8 months since I wrote this post showing people how to use an eCash wallet as well as clues to the 12 word seed phrase that will unlock this 10M XEC wallet. No one has been able to solve it yet, and since so many people have been asking for additional clues, I thought I’d give everyone participating an early Christmas present. Below are the original 12 clues followed by the 12 new clues. Good luck!

Original Clues:

  1. 7 letter word that can be both a noun or a verb ending in a 4 letter word that can be a noun or a verb
  2. Last four letters of this word spells a body part
  3. This word can be found nine times in POW#155
  4. Professional athletes often have this
  5. Something we all have but can’t always control. 
  6. 6 letter word that can be both a noun or a verb ending in a 3 letter word that we often associate with eCash
  7. This word has 3 e’s in it and is one that often comes up in sports
  8. Name of a competing cryptocurrency project
  9. Word that often comes before 8 above
  10. 4 letter word that also forms an animal related word if spelled backwards
  11. Mix up the 5 letters in this word and you get another word that is often used in sports
  12. Something needed by both comedians and builders

New clues:

  1. Word you might hear in an electronics store
  2. In front
  3. Something many of us are addicted to
  4. eCash developers no longer need one of these
  5. Can be intense
  6. The first three letters of this word often associated with sports
  7. One of the many departments in most governments
  8. You rarely find one of these in a sentence
  9. Can be in front or in back
  10. People in crypto do this often
  11. Mix up these five letters and you get an old word that means angry
  12. Can refer to something tangible, or intangible

Reminder that all words come from the Bip39 word list that can be found here.

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