When moon? The age old question of our time. It’s the one thing every crypto enthusiast wants to know: when will their favorite coin pump, and by how much?

A couple of days ago I posted a short tweet thread comparing how XEC has performed since the start of the year, versus the broader cryptocurrency market. What I found was that eCash, while not being among the worst performers, certainly showed room for growth.

Considering all the recent technical progress made by the team, I admit it’s hard not to be disappointed. If you’d asked me what I thought the price of XEC would be after successfully launching staking rewards, achieving consensus of the IFP increase, as well as onboarding several new partners like Wirex, CoinRabbitLoans, and SideshiftAI, I would have ventured a wildly optimistic guess, only to be proven wrong.

But I’m not here to complain, or sulk, or blame anyone for this situation. Instead what I would like to do is to try and turn the situation around. The situation of there not being enough buyers, and too many sellers.

So how do we get people to (1) start buying XEC and (2) stop selling XEC?

There are many ways to answer this question, of course, but I believe there’s really only one right way: by effectively communicating the strong underlying fundamentals of eCash.

I’m not interested in trying to lure people into investing in XEC with false hopes and promises. Such tactics would not only be disingenuous, but it would also undermine the integrity and the long-term vision of the eCash project. What I am interested in doing, however, is attracting more people by spreading the word about the project’s mission and giving them compelling reasons to want to learn more.

I believe it’s time to start taking things more seriously, mirroring the dedication of the engineers at Bitcoin ABC as they build the eCash protocol and its infrastructure. No more treating this as a hobby, or a temporary volunteer job, but as the start of something bigger.

I look forward to riding the eCash wave that I can feel is building, and leveraging all that this network has to offer in contributing to this growing community, educating others about the project’s significance, and elevating ProofofWriting.com into something more than just another blog.

The path ahead is uncertain. Maybe I don’t accomplish the goals I’ve set out for myself. But I want to be able to look back and see that I gave it my best. That I wasn’t afraid to take risks, that I thought deeply about the problems I’m trying to solve, and worked hard to do whatever it takes to be the exception, not the rule.

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