What does it mean to #JustBuild?

One reason why I invested in XEC is because I wanted to support people who epitomize the #JustBuild mindset, which is how I view Bitcoin ABC, the team leading the eCash project. That same mindset is also what inspired me to start this website a little over a year and a half ago. I had no idea what I was doing, but instead focusing on my limitations, I decided to #JustBuild.

Among the many things I’ve learned while making this site is that when you build something, the unexpected can happen. Like finding people who are willing to help. I never expected I would get so much support from so many members of the eCash community, including the eCash Global Network Council, which paid for the redesign of this site and all the improvements that come with it.

Something else I didn’t expect was having readers in more than 160 countries around the world. I’ve always wished people could read my articles properly translated into their own language, and now the GNC is going to be making that a reality. Soon members of the eCash community will be able to earn XEC for translating my articles or recording audio versions that people can listen to on the site. In other words, by proving their work.

Details will be made available on eBounty.cash, including the languages we will start with, as well as how much XEC can be earned for each translation or recording. I’m excited both because I hope this will increase my readership around the world but also because my site will now give people a chance to actually earn eCash and use it as money.

When I started this site I didn’t know exactly what I wanted it to become, only that I wanted it to help bring value to the eCash project. Now I hope to bring the GNC a big return on their investment by doing exactly that. It’s time to #JustBuild.

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