I’ve come up with a new strategy to both increase traffic to my blog as well as promote the eCash project: regularly give away eCash through faucet links and games with the hope of expanding the number of people who claim each time.
Currently there are ~50 people who quickly redeem the faucet links by accessing the secret code using the PayButton plugin. The goal is to increase that to 100, then 200, and so on. In order to avoid having any one person hogging all the claims, your eCash address must be tied to a valid Telegram account. You must also pay 100 XEC to get the special code. I’ll be keeping track of how quickly the special code gets used up as well as how many times the PayButton is used and adjust accordingly.
The faster you jump on this bandwagon, the sooner you start collecting XEC and stacking bits.
Go directly to “games” on the header to only see these kinds of giveaway posts along with the occasional puzzles offering larger rewards for the solver. Reminder that the one for 5M XEC has still not been solved. Thanks to those who purchased my POW tokens, I have 50M XEC to work with.
Now, pay 100 XEC if you want to see the faucet link for 1000 XEC.